What will happen Down Under when India tours Australia?

This is a real test for any team to face Australia in Australia. Australian Cricket team is very dominating in its own country. In this December, India is going to Australia and will play 4 test matches against Australia.
Cricket Australia announced that the Indians, who are likely to be Down Under for about 75 days, will play their opening Test here from December 26-30, traditionally known as the Boxing Day Test.
The Indians will play the second Test in Sydney from January 2-6 followed by two other Tests in Perth (Jan 16-20) and Adelaide (Jan 24-28).

Will it be a complete whitewash again by the Aussies or will the Indians have it in them to fight against the Aussies? Post your comments.


Techie for Life said…
I think the Indians have it in them the talent & the ability to beat the Aussies... but its the consistency that is somewhat lacking in them.... They have to push themselves further if they have to challenge the ever dominating Aussies side
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i am really lookin 4ward 2 how team india is goin to cope with the hostile conditions down under ... rite frm the tour opener , irts goint 2 be indian batsmen agnst the ausie bowlers .. With a handful of quickies under the leadership of Lee, oz can rip the indian middle order.. yuvi must b given the chance 2 play in the 11ven... this aussie summer is most probably the last one for the seniors down under... if we do draw the test rubber it's a creditable achievement for us.......waitng 4 the dawn of boxing day......
Navoj said…
Its gonna be the toughest challenge for both the teams...India have the players 2 beat them...Ausies beware...we are coming...

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